
  • Project Spotlight: Passover Clothing Cards for Kids in Need
    As part of The Fellowship's overall Passover assistance, we are providing clothing cards to 20,000 of Israel's neediest children.
  • Passover Word Search
    See how many words you can find from the story of the Exodus and Passover.
  • Project Spotlight: Clothing Distribution for Passover
    This week, Jews around the world are celebrating Passover, the holiday that commemorates God’s rescue of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery thousands of years ago. It’s such a special time, but for many needy Jews, it’s also a reminder that there is so much they don’t have. As part of The Fellowship‘s Passover program, we provided clothing cards to […]
  • Project Spotlight: Passover Outreach in Israel
    For the Jewish people, Passover is a sacred time of celebrating God’s rescue of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery thousands of years ago. But for Israeli Jews who are trapped in poverty, this holiday is anything but celebratory – and is often just another day of doing without needed food, medicine, shelter, or clothing. That’s […]
  • Project Spotlight: Passover Outreach in the FSU
    Thanks to the generosity of our faithful friends, The Fellowship is helping impoverished Jews in the former Soviet Union (FSU) celebrate the upcoming Passover holiday with their needs met and in accordance with biblical instruction. The Fellowship is distributing more than 45,000 food cards so that able-bodied Jews in the FSU can go to the grocery store to […]
  • Passover Crossword Puzzle Answer Key
  • What Is the Western Wall?
    Located in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, the Western Wall is one of the most sacred places on earth to millions of people of faith.
  • Khayla Perkins
    I have been with the Fellowship since 2023. I am a graduate of Western Illinois University, where I earned my master’s degree in political science. As your personal contact, I am resource for you at the Fellowship to learn more about the work we are doing and the impact your gifts are making. I am here for anything you may need, whether it be prayer, gift information, or a question you may have.
  • What Is the Biblical Fast?
    Watch as Fellowship Board Chairman Bishop Paul Lanier shares his thoughts and reflections on biblical fasting and shares a call to God’s people to come together in prayer and fasting.
  • What Is Shavuot — The Jewish Pentecost?
    Shavuot (pronounced sha-voo-OHT), which Christians know better from the Greek, Pentecost, is one of three pilgrimage festivals in which Jewish men during biblical times were obligated to go to the Temple in Jerusalem.
  • Turn Toward God
    We can draw God’s favor when we appreciate our blessings, whether they are a little or a lot. Let’s turn toward God in gratitude and bless Him. In return, He will bless us, too.
  • Our Greatest Joy
    The greatest joy that parents can experience from their children comes from seeing them continue in their footsteps, living by their values.