
  • Project Spotlight: Passover Food Box Delivery
    To ensure that elderly impoverished Jews have the special foods they need to celebrate Passover, which begins on March 31 this year, The Fellowship has begun delivering food packages to beneficiaries of our With Dignity and Fellowship project. Yael Eckstein recently delivered some of these Passover food packages to elderly Israelis, including Nelli, an 81-year-old Holocaust survivor.
  • Israel Celebrates End of Passover
    PM Netanyahu and the rest of Israel came out of Passover by celebrating Mimouna, a Jewish tradition that began in North Africa and symbolizes a love for Israel.
  • Passover in a Broken World
    Yael shares how recent tragedies around the world impacted her family's Passover seder and how Fellowship friends are responding to these huge needs.
  • A Holiday Called Passover
    On Passover, it's time to pass over all of the thinking and skip right to the doing. It's time to change.
  • The Fellowship Picks Up Mantle to Help Needy on Passover
    The Fellowship and our faithful supporters are once again providing for Israel's neediest this holy season.
  • Rocket from Sinai Hits Israel Before Passover
    A terrorist rocket launched from the Sinai Peninsula struck a tomato-growing operation in southern Israel after Israeli authorities warned of attacks.
  • Our Passover Journey
    The Fellowship's Ami Farkas writes about the importance of passing along the meaning of Passover - and in turn passing along faith - to the next generation.
  • Building Passover Food Boxes with Yael
    Passover begins in less than a week. And in this week's video, Yael takes us on a tour of one of the many food distribution centers across the Holy Land that is packaging and parceling out Passover food boxes for Israel's needy.
  • Project Spotlight: Yad B’Yad Passover Food Box Distribution
    As part of The Fellowship’s extensive Passover outreach, we are distributing 4,500 food boxes to needy elderly and families in partnership with the Yad B’Yad organization. Without our assistance, these people would not be able to celebrate the Passover holiday with the foods needed for the seder meal.
  • Project Spotlight: Passover Food Boxes
    The Fellowship has again committed to help tens of thousands of needy Jews in Israel and the former Soviet Union by providing them with food for the celebration of Passover, which begins at sundown on April 10 this year. We will distribute holiday food packages at food centers and soup kitchens as well as make special deliveries to homebound elderly.
  • Shin Bet Warns of Hamas Attacks Ahead of Passover
    Despite the relative calm of late, Israeli security warns of Hamas attack attempts on Israel ahead of the upcoming Passover holiday.
  • Passover Food Boxes for Israel’s Impoverished Elderly
    In the weeks leading up to Passover, staff and volunteers with The Fellowship have been delivering food boxes, filled with the special items needed for the seder meal, to Israelis involved in our With Dignity and Fellowship program.