
  • The First Passover
    As the Jewish people prepare to celebrate Passover, the "Lord's Festival of Unleavened Bread," Yael shows us how to bake matzah, the biblical food that reminds us of God's deliverance.
  • Passover Hope for Roman
    This developmentally disabled Jewish man named Roman would have a bleak life, but you give him hope during Passover and all year round.
  • A Passover to Remember
    Because of your faithful friendship, we were able to deliver an Emergency Passover Food Box filled to the brim with nutritious staples and Passover food, as well as sanitation items like toilet paper, soap, and gloves. But our work is not done!
  • Children at the Center of Passover
    Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein shares from her new book, “Generation to Generation,” reminding parents that they have a sacred duty to answer our children’s questions.
  • Project Spotlight: Olim Receive Emergency Aid for Passover
    The Fellowship is taking extraordinary measures during these extraordinary times to help olim who have recently made aliyah on Fellowship Freedom Flights.
  • Why Is Passover Different This Year?
    As we hold tight to Him, we will sing, celebrate, and shout our praises to our God, Who delivers us from harm and blesses us with complete salvation.
  • Project Spotlight: Emergency Deliveries for Passover
    Just before Passover, we’ve mobilized our staff and volunteers to provide emergency deliveries of food boxes to the most vulnerable – Holocaust survivors and elderly.
  • Passover – Making It Personal
    As Jews around the world observe Passover this week, we share a timeless teaching from Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein on how the universal truths found in Passover story are for everyone.
  • Celebrating Passover In the Holy Land
    On today’s program, Fellowship President Yael Eckstein explains how Passover celebrates both the bitterness of captivity and the sweetness of freedom.
  • The Passover Seder
    As Jews around the world celebrate Passover this week, we share a timeless teaching from Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein on the traditional seder meal and its importance to fulfilling God’s command to remember His deliverance.
  • Preparing for Passover
    Jews around the world are observing Passover this week, and today, we share a timeless teaching from Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein on how the strict preparations for celebrating Passover are biblically rooted.
  • The Biblical Basis for Passover – Part 2
    Jews around the world are observing Passover this week, and today, we share a timeless teaching from Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein on the story of Passover and the final plague that led Pharaoh to finally let the Israelites go.