
  • The Gift of a Miracle
    God gives us the gift of a miracle, we must give Him the gift of sharing our experiences and connect people with His power.
  • Above the Sun
    Above the sun exists another world, the spiritual world. That is the only place where anything we acquire has true worth.
  • The Joy of Time
    This time of joy is about the joy of time. In other words, joy comes from having time—time to be with God and with our loved ones.
  • What Is Hanukkah? – A Season of Miracles and Light
    Hanukkah is one of the most joyous festivals of the Jewish calendar. Discover more about this celebration of God's wondrous miracles and the many important lessons Hanukkah has for both Christians and Jews through our rich resources.
  • The Many Meanings of Sukkot
    Besides completing two important cycles on the Jewish calendar, Sukkot marks Israel's annual plea to God for rain and sustenance, and serves as a time for families to fellowship and thank our Lord.
  • What Is the Tabernacle?
    While people of all religions are accustomed to connecting with God at houses of worship today, this was not always the case. Long before the Jewish people prayed in synagogues, God communicated with them in all sorts of unusual places. He appeared to Abraham in visions, wrestled with Jacob, spoke to Moses from a burning […]
  • God Makes a Path for Us
    Rest assured that God is still splitting the sea for us today, just as He did thousands of years ago.
  • Share Our Miracles
    When we share our miracles, we inspire others to deepen their faith in God, no matter how difficult times may be.
  • Blessing and Being Blessed
    As the world honors those who aid those in need, we must also remember that what we do is bigger than ourselves—it is truly God's work.
  • What Are the High Holy Days?
    The High Holy Days are the most widely observed Jewish holidays, beginning with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and ending ten days later with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
  • Hope and Help
    Leonid, an elderly Holocaust survivor, once volunteered for The Fellowship, and now receives your lifesaving aid.
  • Hand Over Justice to God
    Once we hand over justice to God, we can learn from Rabbi Dee and turn our attention to increasing love and light in the world.