
  • The Purpose of Wealth
    The real value and true purpose of wealth is not to be found in acquiring it, but in using it for good in the world.
  • An Act of Kindness
    In the Exodus story, which we read every year on Passover, the Bible teaches us the power of a single act of kindness performed for someone in need.
  • Leavened food products — Chametz
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s prhase is “leavened food products”.
  • Holocaust Survivor on ‘Frightening’ Anti-Semitism of Today
    Writing at CNN, a Jewish survivor of the Dachau concentration camp speaks out against the frightening anti-Semitism she is witnessing today.
  • Sirens in the Night – Iran Attacks Israel
    Miriam Lock writes about how these are hard times for Israel, and they may get harder, but not even Iran can destroy Jewish life in the land of Israel.
  • Lamb — Keves
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s word is “lamb”.
  • Roasted egg — Beitza Kluyah
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s word is “roasted egg”.
  • Splitting of the Sea — Kriyat yam suf
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s phrase is “Splitting of the sea”.
  • Firstborn — Bachor
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s word is “firstborn”.
  • International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Mobilizes to Provide Emergency Aid in Response to Iranian Attacks
    Global humanitarian aid organization expedites distribution of emergency food, equipment and placement of additional bomb shelters as threat of escalation looms.
  • 10 Plagues — Eser makot
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s word is “10 Plagues”.
  • Bitter herbs — Maror
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s word is “Bitter herbs”.