
  • Have a kosher and happy holiday — Chag kasher sameach
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s phrase is “Have a kosher and happy holiday”.
  • Forward in Faith
    Passover is the time of year to move forward in faith, doing all the things we have been putting off because we weren’t quite ready.
  • Thousands Pray at Western Wall for Hostages’ Return
    During the priestly blessing at the Western Wall for Passover, thousands gathered to pray for all the hostages still held in Gaza.
  • Annual Storytelling
    Today, Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein shares more from her audiobook, Generation to Generation, about the eve of Passover.
  • The Bible’s Bitter Herbs
    The message of the bitter herbs on Passover is to remind us that only through suffering that we come to appreciate God’s redemptive power.
  • ‘It Is a Big Help’
    The Fellowship helps this Holocaust survivor celebrate Passover and have the essentials she needs to survive.
  • Families of Hamas Captives Prepare for a Difficult Holiday
    During Passover, a holiday remembering the Israelites' freedom from Egypt, Israeli parents still wait for their children to come home.
  • Exodus from Egypt — Yetziat mitzrayim
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s phrase is “Exodus from Egypt”.
  • All About Asking Questions
    On today’s program, President and CEO Yael Eckstein shares more from her audiobook, Generation to Generation, about the traditions of Passover.
  • Our Stories of Faith
    Sharing our stories—both collective and personal—is the lifeblood of faith. When we tell how God’s hand has directed our lives, we remember His presence in our own lives.
  • An Ancient Tradition
    Join Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein as she shares from her audiobook, Generation to Generation, about the Jewish holiday of Passover and her childhood memories of the family seder.
  • Seder night — Leil haseder
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s phrase is “Seder night”.