Israel Celebrates End of Passover

The Fellowship  |  April 19, 2017

Bibi, his wife, and others gathered in a gold room with food and drink around them.
Israel Celebrates End of Passover

As Passover came to an end, the people of Israel celebrated with Mimouna, a Jewish tradition originally from Morocco. The Times of Israel reports that PM Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders celebrated with this tradition that “symbolizes a love for Israel”:

Israelis across the country on Monday night celebrated Mimouna, a North African Jewish tradition held each year to celebrate the end of Passover.

In what has become a modern tradition, politicians fanned out to supporters’ homes to eat traditional honey-covered pancakes called mufletot and other sweets.

At an event in the northern city of Hadera, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that despite starting as a Moroccan tradition, Mimouna “has turned into a holiday for all the ethnic groups.”

“It symbolizes a love for Israel,” he said.

He also called Mimouna a “colorful holiday” and said jokingly that “I promise to continue to be colorful” in reference to his frequently changing hair color.

Culture Minister Miri Regev (Likud) uploaded a video of herself in traditional Moroccan garb from an event in the southern city of Ashkelon in which she “wishes to all of the Jewish people health, happiness, success and abundance…”